News & Insights

News, blogs and insights

August 7, 2018

How Color Affects UX

Color plays an important role in the user experience. The color scheme selected for your brand and website should effectively deliver a message to your user about your brand, product, and services.
August 2, 2018

Turn Error Into Opportunity

Designing a creative 404 page could turn user error into an opportunity for increased engagement and user retention.
July 18, 2018

5 Tips to Write Better User Stories

If you’re on a software development team, user stories are a useful tool in understanding how a feature works from the perspective of your users.
June 29, 2018

Your Site's Monthly Checkup: Easy SEO Fixes

If you hear “SEO” and immediately get overwhelmed, I have good news for you. There are some fairly simple things you can do to improve your site’s SEO without getting

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